I’m delighted to introduce Amanda Frayeh, who’ll be my assistant for Yoga for Athletes and Teaching Yoga to Athletes at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in January! (Read all about the workshops and register here.) Amanda took the five-day teachers’ intensive with me at Kripalu in January 2019, and I’m really excited she’ll be coming from Minneapolis to add her expertise to both programs in 2020. She’ll accompany me for Yoga for Athletes: Strength, Flexibility, and Focus Friday–Sunday, January 24–26, and for Teaching Yoga to Athletes Sunday–Friday, January 26–31.
Like me, Amanda is a recovering academic with ties to North Carolina. She went to college at Warren Wilson in western NC, where she played soccer, before earning a master’s degree in sport psychology from UNC–Greensboro and a PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Minnesota. What a skillset she will bring to our workshops! I had the pleasure of seeing Amanda teach a soccer-specific sequence to our teachers’ group, and she’s a natural. Her warm, fun presence makes athletes of any level feel immediately comfortable. I know she’ll add a ton of value to the workshops, and I hope you will join us both in January. Visit Amanda’s website to learn more about her.
Amanda is also the author of this excellent Kripalu Bingo card! You’ll have to come to one or both workshops to understand it and complete your own. Read all about the workshops and register here.