Early Bird Rate: Fundamentals of Teaching Mindfulness Workshop

Jan 10, 2024

You have two weeks to save $50 with the early bird rate on this upcoming continuing education workshop!

February 17–18, 2024

Carrboro Yoga Company, Carrboro, NC

with Sage Rountree, 18 CEUs available

Learn to lead students toward better connection, whether they are moving or being still. The fundamentals of mindfulness are simple, but that doesn’t mean they are easy for students to follow or for teachers to lead. Let’s work on this together!

In this workshop, geared to meditation and movement teachers from any background, you’ll learn how to present the basic principles of mindfulness in ways that will resonate best with the students you teach.

This workshop includes a preassignment to complete before we meet, so please budget at least five hours to prepare your homework in the weeks before the workshop.

Our in-person sessions will:

+ Cover the basics of leading present-moment awareness, conscious breathing, mantra, and simple chanting
+ Build your confidence guiding students within
+ Help you find a good balance between clear cuing and judicious use of silence
+ Give you a warm, supportive environment in which to practice your new teaching skills

After we meet in person, you’ll design and submit class outlines for Sage’s review and have some back-and-forth mentorship; budget four hours for this work.

We meet Saturday, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m., and again Sunday, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. (There is no Sunday afternoon session, freeing you to travel.) 

This workshop is open to teachers from any movement modality—including none. Talk therapists, somatic therapists, and schoolteachers: you are very welcome!

If you are tracking CEUs for Yoga Alliance, you can claim 18 after completing the postassignment.

Our gratitude and reparatory discounts take 25 percent off the full price for those who identify as Black, Indigenous, and Non-White. Write us for details: info@carrboroyoga.com.

This workshop has a minimum of six students and a maximum of 16, so please sign up today to ensure your spot!

$399/$349 early bird (register by January 27)

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