How the Workshop Workshop Helps You Help Your Students
My colleague Joe-Paul used the Workshop Workshop to develop a wide range of offerings he has hosted at our studio, Carrboro Yoga Company. These run the gamut from Yoga for Recovery from Loss and Yoga to Support Sobriety to Celebrate the Sun. Here’s what Joe-Paul says:
I find workshops a fulfilling way to share yoga and be helpful to students! I’m aware that some of the topics target a smaller potential audience (those who have had major loss, those in recovery from addiction) but also have a sense of our students at Carrboro Yoga and added my more fun workshop, Celebrate the Sun.
I am thinking about trying to do my Yoga for Recovery from Loss series or versions of it going forward too. I can both refine the content and presentation as well as figure out how to provide continued support to those students. Attendees have all asked when the next one will be.
Your video and lessons in the Workshop Workshop are top-notch. Obviously, the content is great, but the quality of the videos and your clear teaching style make them exceptional. There clearly is a student-focused professor in you seeping out!
Elevate Your Workshop
Joe-Paul’s special talent as a workshop leader lies in his thorough preparation. He maps out every class and workshop in a document of his own design. Each document has time stamps, quotes, notes about the movement he’s cueing, and a scripted final thought. What’s more, he brings in a lagniappe—a little gift—for every student. In his weekly classes, these are cards with a pretty image and his quote for the day. For workshops, he often brings something even more extra. In Yoga for Recovery from Loss, he brings each student a bouquet of fresh rosemary, a symbol of remembrance. This really elevates students’ experience.

How will you serve your students best?
The Workshop Workshop will walk you through the entire process of planning, placing, and promoting meaningful workshops for whatever students and whatever topic you best work with.
This online continuing education course is available to start right now. It’s a great mix of prompts and accountability—I’m here to review your work along the way. Let my two decades of experience in this field benefit both you and your students!