New Format: Summer Intensive Yoga Teacher Training Now Online Summer 2020

May 17, 2020

For several years, we’ve been offering three formats of our 200-hour yoga teacher training at Carolina Yoga Company: our eight-month one-weekend-a-month format, a three-week summer intensive format, and a nine-week weekday daytime format. Because we expect social distancing and limits on gatherings to stay in place, this summer we will offer our three-week intensive online in real time!

This means that wherever you are, if you can make the times work, you can join us from anywhere. We’ll meet online for six hours daily for three weeks, July 18–August 9, 2020, with three rest days (July 24, July 30, and August 4).

Class times are 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m., all Eastern Time. We have carefully planned a mixture of lecture, discussion, and movement, so while it may sound like a lot of screen time, it’s well thought out and will keep you engaged and balanced. You’ll learn from me, my business partner Lies Sapp, lead teacher Jenni Tarma, and a host of wonderful guest teachers. At the end, you’ll be confident in your own practice, prepared to help people with yoga, and eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance.

Because of the extra effort in putting this program online, we need a minimum of eight students committed by July 1 (we’re halfway there already). If you’re interested:

If you’re eager for something to look forward to and ready to have an amazing experience with a fun group of friends-to-be from near and far, this is just the ticket. I hope you’ll join us!

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