Newly Certified: Melissa Butler

Sep 19, 2017

Meet Melissa Butler, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. Melissa was part of the sweet group that did the in-person five-day at 1440 Multiversity in the Santa Cruz mountains. A formidable runner, she was up and cruising over the no-joke hills every morning, and she would recommend the local high school track to you as a great workout spot. Melissa lives in Sacramento, where she coaches both high school runners and adults. She teaches both yoga and Piyo, a Pilates-yoga hybrid, and she’s been including yoga with her team’s cross-country training this summer and fall.

As a former home-schooler, Melissa is especially good with young people. Her no-nonsense demeanor helps make yoga less mystical and more accessible. And she leads by example with her dedication and discipline in both running and yoga practice. If you’re near Sacramento, make it a point to study with her in person. If not, you’ll learn lots from her website, Aspired Running, and you’ll find more inspiration at her Instagram account, @aspiredrunning.

Want to follow in Melissa’s footsteps and spend five days with cool colleagues exploring how to teach yoga to athletes of all sports and levels? Join me at one of these three intensives in 2018:

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