Read: Granola Recipe for Athletes (and Everyone)

I really fell in love with granola at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and I still eat it every morning every day I’m there, and most days at home. Yoga Journal asked for my recipe, which appeared in their September issue. It’s online now—check it out.

My love of granola started nine years ago when I began teaching at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. During my stay, they served delicious granola in the morning, and I missed it once I returned home. After some experimenting, I created this recipe filled with oats, nuts, and seeds. It tastes amazing with fresh yogurt and seasonal fruit. I make a giant batch every other month—it stores well and is a nice gift, too. In the summer I eat it with fresh strawberries, blueberries, or peaches. In the winter I add dried cherries; my daughter likes to add chocolate chips. Enjoy it for breakfast, or throw some in a bag for a satisfying snack to fuel all your athletic endeavors.

See the full recipe at Yoga Journal. And if you want to try the original for yourself, join me at Kripalu in January! I’m teaching two programs:

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