Read: How to Keep Your Teaching Fresh: Yoga Instructors Share Their Secrets

Sep 1, 2014

Yoga teachers will find some nice insider tips from experienced teachers in this post on Thrive, the Kripalu blog. I added my voice:

Sage Rountree, author of several books on yoga for athletes and yoga sequencing:

Our practice grows when we have a good balance of consistency and variety. First, we need the consistent elements of a class: a warm-up, standing poses, mat poses, and a closing sequence. Then, we need variety to keep students engaged and adapting. Too much consistency and the class gets stale; too much variety and the students are confused.

Read the full piece here.


If you’d like to spice up your sequencing, join me at Kripalu later this month for Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste. Or, if travel is out of the question, enjoy the course online anytime!

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