Scheduled: New Year’s Eve Goals, Intentions, and Release

Dec 1, 2014

I’ve just scheduled a special workshop at Carrboro Yoga Company for New Year’s Eve focused on goals, intentions, and release. (Goals and intentions are a critical part of my latest book, Racing Wisely, but they apply to everyone, especially at the new year.) Please join me! As it’s Cyber Monday, you can sign up for only $20 using the code NYE. Register here.


Join studio co-owner Sage Rountree for this year-end treat. We’ll explore goals, intentions, and release in the context of a fun, flowing, hip-opening all-levels practice. Consider and commit to what you want from 2015 and cultivate a sense of playfulness as you move through the first hour, then find deep release in low-to-the-ground poses and a long, sweet savasana in the second hour. You’ll let go of 2014 and leave ready for a great new year.

$30, $25 before 12/25

Sign up today!

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