Scheduled: The Workshop Workshop

Feb 10, 2016

Poster.tmm2I’ve always had a fondness for metanarrative—stories that are about themselves. It was the topic of my master’s thesis (on metanarrative cinema, and yes, this included The Muppet Movie and Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure) and, in a way, of my doctoral dissertation (on images of the professor and the university in drama since Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf).

Thus: the Workshop Workshop for Yoga and Movement Teachers, which I’ll offer at Carrboro Yoga Company on Saturday, March 19, 2:00–5:00 p.m.

Are you eager to share your favorite topics with your students in workshop format, but unsure about where and how to begin? In this workshop on developing workshops, studio co-owner and yoga teacher training lead teacher Sage Rountree explains the who, what, where, why, when, and how of creating, locating a home for, marketing, and teaching successful workshops—from one-hour sessions to weeklong intensives to retreats to ongoing series.

In lecture, discussion, journaling, and small-group work, you’ll identify what you have to offer, refine your vision, write a description that will encourage students to sign up, create a lesson plan and resources to provide students, develop a marketing plan, and workshop the workshop itself with your supportive colleagues.

This workshop is appropriate for teachers of all styles of yoga and movement arts. Bring your tablet, laptop, or notebook, as well as your workshop ideas and questions. You’ll leave with a fully developed offering to benefit both your students and your own career.

$75; $65 before 3/1

3 Yoga Alliance continuing education credits

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