Scheduled: Workshops at Dancing Dogs Yoga Greensboro

Oct 8, 2015


I’m happy to visit my friends at Dancing Dogs Yoga in Greensboro for two workshops on Saturday, November 21. Join for one or both:

Everyday Yoga

You love visiting the studio—and we love seeing you here!—but home practice is an important part of a well-rounded yoga routine, just like home cooking is an important complement to eating out. Master teacher Sage Rountree explains the elements of home practice, from warm-up to standing poses, mat work to finishing sequences, and leads a fun, all-levels investigation of how to put these together to create nourishing at-home practices lasting from five to fifty minutes. This workshop will be based on Sage’s latest book, EVERYDAY YOGA, to help guide your home practice as it grows. You’ll leave feeling confident to take your yoga home!

Yoga for All Athletes

Yoga is the perfect complement to your sport, building strength, flexibility, balance, and focus. Come learn how to integrate yoga and your training from Coach, Author, Instructor, and Yoga for Athletes expert Sage Rountree. We’ll explore yoga routines and tools to use before, during, and after your workout, regardless of your sport or level of yoga experience. You’ll leave better-balanced and ready to apply your newfound focus to your next training session!

Read more and register. Note that DDY is moving down State Street in the next month—I’ll post the updated address once the move is complete.

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