Ready to keep your sense of humor as you play with a challenge to your balance? The latest episode of Core Strength for Real People is here to help! From standing and from tabletop, we’ll work abs, back muscles, and balance with contralateral movements to tap in...
All the core exercises in the world are useless if you can’t balance your pelvis and spine. In these relaxing exercises, you’ll give the muscles that control movement of your hips and back a timeout. This brings them into harmony so your next core workout...
Here’s a piece I wrote for Yoga for Aging Athletes in reply to the Buzzfeed hunchback incident. Let’s talk about the hunch! It’s been on my mind both over time—I have a prominently rounded, or kyphotic upper back, and have since childhood (one doctor...
When I woke up Sunday and glanced at the iPad, I saw that my colleague Sara sent me a link to the Buzzfeed article “27 Things That Are Too Real for People with Terrible Posture,” telling me to check out number 20 on the list. I scrolled down to see a...
Are you a real person? Me, too! I often feel pressed for time, and I certainly have a real body; that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t keep my core strong. I do that by taking and teaching Pilates classes and supplementing that with a home practice like this one I...