Tag: Recovery
The Absence of Stress ≠ the Presence of Recovery
Much of my work is selling the concept of recovery. My weekly Yoga for Athletes classes have a little bit of movement, mostly focused on balance, but the majority of class is an opportunity for Type A athletes to practice being still, quiet, and relaxed. This can be hard, and it’s the most important thing…
Grand Opening Reception: Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat
I like to fancy myself the expert on not working out. I wrote a whole book on it, The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery. Attention to self-care is a critical part of the stress/rest balance. Without stress, you never grow; without rest, you never grow, either, because rest is where the adaptation to stress takes place. If you’re looking…
Yoga Journal LIVE! Single-Class Passes on Sale Tomorrow
Next weekend, I’ll be presenting at Yoga Journal LIVE! at the Hilton Midtown in New York City. Single-class passes go on sale Monday, April 4, right here. Using the code SAGE will save you 15 percent! Here are my offerings: Core Strength for Real People Friday, April 8, 5:30–7:00 p.m. Paying a little attention to…
Sage Advice: What Changed?
Like many yoga teachers, often I find students asking me questions after class about ways to relieve a pain that’s newly emerged. In general, I shy away from answering such questions—I’m not that kind of doctor, but if you need a literary text critically analyzed, let me know—and I encourage my teacher trainees to acknowledge…
Everyday Yoga Excerpt: Post-Workout Restorative Hip-Opening Poses
My friends at Yoga Journal are offering Everyday Yoga excerpts to pique your interest in the book and jump-start your home practice. While the book is for not just athletes but everyone, the excerpts are keyed to pre- and postworkout routines, and you can string them together to do a complete practice. This is a postworkout recovery/hip-focused routine to help…