Scheduled: Teaching Yoga to Athletes Intensive in North Carolina

The hometown version of my five-day intensive on teaching yoga to athletes will be Monday–Friday, July 17–21, this year. (You can also catch it at the 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, California, Sunday–Friday, June 18–23, and online anytime at Sage Yoga Teacher...

Newly Certified: Christina Roberts

Meet Christina Roberts, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. Christina is a health coach, yoga teacher, and dedicated runner about to qualify for the Boston Marathon (I just know it—read her running blog here!). Christina lives in the Lehigh Valley,...

Newly Certified: Jeanine Encizo

Meet Jeanine Encizo, the most recent certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher! Jeanine came to yoga as a longtime runner, competitive in both cross-country and track. Like many of us, she found the yoga asana practice to be a lovely complement to the miles she was...

Newly Certified: Jo Marchi

Meet Jo Marchi, who has just finished her certification in Sage Yoga for Athletes! (Start yours at We had the great pleasure of Jo’s company in Carrboro last summer for the five-day Teaching Yoga to Athletes intensive. Not only did...