Tag: Workshops
Plan a Year of Classes in Five Weeks: Designing Your Yoga Playbook
Here’s how to plan a year of yoga classes over the course of 10 hours and 5 weeks: join Designing Your Yoga Playbook, a live online training! We start Tuesday, June 4, so it’s time to sign up right now. Here are some frequently asked questions.
Join the Workshop Workshop and Teach Great Yoga Workshops
The Workshop Workshop gives you all the materials you need to lead life-changing, problem-solving workshops for your students. And you’ll earn CEUs!
What You Can Learn from Joe-Paul’s Story
The Workshop Workshop will walk you through the entire process of planning, placing, and promoting meaningful workshops for whatever students and whatever topic you best work with.
Build a Clear Image of Your Students and Your Niche
I don’t just teach workshops, I also book workshops at my studio, Carrboro Yoga Company. Here’s what I want you to know.
How to Find Your Niche as a Yoga Teacher
Here is an exercise to help you find your niche and hone your voice as a yoga teacher across all the things you offer: workshops, classes, even social media and any other messages you deliver to your students.
Early Bird Rate: Fundamentals of Teaching Mindfulness Workshop
Learn to lead students toward better connection, whether they are moving or being still. The fundamentals of mindfulness are simple, but that doesn’t mean they are easy for students to follow or for teachers to lead. Let’s work on this together!
Five Steps to Teaching a Great Yoga Workshop
Here are the five steps to teach a yoga workshop to help your students (and your career).
New Online Course: Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses
Alexandra DeSiato and I are pleased to introduce Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses, an online workbook course to accompany our new book of the same title. It’s housed at Sage Yoga Teacher Training, alongside my other online courses for movement teachers. (Explore them all!) In this course, as in the book, we offer you down-to-earth…
Read: Yoga for Athletes Is Not Athletic Yoga
I wrote a post for the Kripalu blog outlining my approach to yoga for athletes. It’s summed up in the title: it’s not athletic yoga! Instead, it’s yoga to complement what we do in training. To put it succinctly, yoga for athletes is not necessarily athletic yoga. It certainly can be: At various points in…
Scheduled: Yoga for Athletes and Teaching Yoga to Athletes at Kripalu
Time flies: 2018 will mark my tenth year on the faculty at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts. What a lovely place! My trips there always restore me. The students are wonderful, the staff are caring, the food is delicious, and the setting is wonderful any time of year. Best of…
Correct Dates for Sequencing: June 26–30
I’m reposting with the correct 2017 dates for Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste—I’d incorrectly used the 2015 dates before! I do hope you’ll join on June 26 for a week of creative work. Yoga and movement teachers: when did you last take plenty of time to play on your mat, create new sequences, collate them,…
Scheduled: No Fooling: You Can Handstand
in YogaDo you think the idea of getting into handstand is a joke? Join Sage on April Fools’ Day to learn fun preparations for the pose based in yoga and Pilates. At the end of the hour, we will take a lighthearted approach to trying handstand at the wall. You need not want to get upside…