Summer Preview: Yoga Teacher Trainings

Summer in a college town like Chapel Hill, NC, is glorious. Parking is abundant, and beer trucks don’t block the downtown streets. The sun is up early; evenings are sultry and lovely; and summer sublets are easy to find with two-thirds of the population out of...

Read: Closing with Grace

The way you end your yoga class deeply affects the student experience. In this piece, online at the prAna blog, I describe some steps to include to ensure your students enjoy a thoughtful transition off the mat: Your yoga class is a vehicle for student transformation...

New Site:

New today: my professional development courses for yoga teachers have a home of their own at! Whether you want to specialize in yoga for athletes or learn ways to up your game as a yoga teacher, you’ll find resources to sharpen your...

Read: Comfort and Affliction

To help students progress, a yoga teacher (or a coach) needs to know when to push and when to back off. I wrote a piece on developing this skill that’s online at the prAna blog. Journalist Finely Peter Dunne famously said the job of a newspaper is to “comfort...

Quick Poll: 500-Hour Intensive Option

Yoga teachers: after loving the summer intensive version of our Carolina Yoga 200-hour yoga teacher training, we’re considering adding an intensive version of our advanced studies training (what the Yoga Alliance used to call the 500-hour level, and what is now...