Early Bird through June 1: 200-Hour Summer Intensive YTT

May 10, 2022

If your relationship to your yoga practice has shifted over the last few years, it may be time for you to embark on yoga teacher training!

At Carolina Yoga Company, we offer three formats of our 200-hour YTT, held at Carrboro Yoga. All of them are coming up in the next calendar year:

  • Three-week summer intensive, July 16–August 7, 2022
  • Eight-month weekend program, September 9, 2022–April 16, 2023 (we meet the second weekend of each month)
  • Nine-week weekday hybrid program, January 17–March 23, 2023 (Tuesdays through Thursdays, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.)

The early bird rate for the summer intensive is good through June 1, so this is the perfect time to apply.

Next steps:

I look forward to connecting!

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