But I’m Not a Teacher

Aug 29, 2011

I was delighted to have a few students at my intensive in San Francisco on teaching yoga to athletes who were not themselves yoga teachers. They bravely, and correctly, presumed that there’d be content germane to their personal training work and their own practices. And I just had an e-mail from a non-teacher student who’s planning on coming to my five-day intensive at Kripalu in January. She asked whether there was any reading she should do to prepare, and here’s what I suggested:

John Friend, Anusara Yoga Teacher Training Manual: you can find this at some studios or probably online at Anusara.com–it’s a pretty clear treatise on both form and the function of the teacher in class

Mark Stevens, Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques: I haven’t looked at this in depth but it’s promising

Donna Farhi, Teaching Yoga: this is about the ethics of teaching—I found it fascinating! It is not, however, a handbook on what to teach; rather, a prompt to consider the duties of the teacher.

Erich Schiffmann, Moving into Stillness: this is a beautiful book about yoga, the asanas, meditation, and developing a home practice.

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