Category: Media
But I’m Not a Teacher
I was delighted to have a few students at my intensive in San Francisco on teaching yoga to athletes who were not themselves yoga teachers. They bravely, and correctly, presumed that there’d be content germane to their personal training work and their own practices. And I just had an e-mail from a non-teacher student who’s…
New Site Design
in MediaRealizing that I have a whole lot of content online, I set out to redesign my website so that my articles and videos—many housed on various magazines’ sites across the web—would be more accessible and, hopefully, of more use to readers. As a control freak, I wanted to be able to constantly tweak the site.…
Yoga’s Benefits for Athletes
I’ve got a piece on yoga’s benefits for athletes running on the prAna blog today. Check it out! And please leave a comment if you have one.
Magazine Favorites
in MediaToday, I enjoyed a nice lunch with Joe Nuss, managing editor of Endurance Magazine, where my yoga column has been running since 2004. (Wow.) Joe says he and Steve Lackey, the publisher, often speculate about what part of magazines people like the most. Joe favors long, personality-driven features; Steve prefers the shorter, pithier tips you…
Creatures of Habit
My dog, Manta Ray, accompanies me on my twice-daily walk taking the girls to and from the elementary school down the street. Morning departure is hectic and broadly telegraphed, with increasingly insistent instructions about the packing of snacks and donning of coats and hats and backpacks and “Lord, child, why am I just getting this…
Reverse Vinyasa
This is a follow-up to my variations on vinyasa post, as well as the story of a lightbulb moment. During my fantastically fun intensive on teaching yoga to athletes (there’s still room for a few more in New York next month), I was bemoaning the monotony of the standard vinyasa from plank through chaturanga to…
Wall Folds and Twists
I’ve just put up a new episode of Sage Yoga Training—my podcast of short yoga routines for athletes and everyone—this one with some very relaxing, gentle folds and twists using a wall for support. You can download it in iTunes, watch it on YouTube, or simply play it from here (though the quality of the…
Hip Openers
Today I was asked why we call hip stretches “hip openers.” I don’t have a good answer! Are we opening something that’s locked? Is “openness” of the hips even desirable, given the stiffness that’s required for good running? I decided that a better term might be “hip balancers,” since there’s so much going on anatomically…
Packing Up
All summer, I’ve been avoiding the work of cleaning up my office. It’s not a horrible mess, but the shelves have books wedged in sideways, and it’s growing harder to find what I’m looking for. It got bad enough that I was more interested in analyzing why I felt so resistant to the work than…
Yoga Tag
In the last few months, I’ve explored a few new options for social networking (read: procrastinating from other work). I’ve enjoyed learning to use Facebook (friend/fan me!), and I’m really having fun with Twitter (follow me!). What better way to quickly alert my friends that I’m now the proud owner of a Jeff Burton NASCAR Crock Pot,…