Meet Briana Roehling, newly certified in Sage Yoga for Athletes. Briana and I are birds of a feather—like me, she has coaching certifications from USA Triathlon, Road Runner’s Club of America, and Spinning, and has competed in running races and triathlons of...
I’m very excited to introduce Lauren Reese to you as the latest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. When you have the chance to study with her—or just to be in her sweet company—you’ll understand why. With her mother, Lauren co-owns Breathe Yoga...
I had a nice chat with Kate and Laura at the Sticky Mat Society—listen to it here: You’ll hear about my background in yoga; developing a niche; how to know when you’re ready to do something; and the first steps toward developing a book project. You can...
This is Jenni Tarma, holder of the record for Highest Word Count in Teaching Yoga to Athletes Homework. Each of her assignments as she moved through the certification process included several pages of precise, complete, well researched information. She’s both a...
You may have seen Michelle Goldberg’s New York Magazine article “The Brutal Economics of Being a Yoga Teacher” in the last week. Interestingly, the story doesn’t get into an exploration of the actual numbers of what teachers are paid. A story...
Meet Anne Taft! Anne is a cyclist, personal trainer, and a fantastic yoga teacher in the Chicago area. While she’d planned to join me in North Carolina this summer for the in-person content portion of the Sage Yoga for Athletes certification, life got in the...