Sale: Save $10 on the Workshop Workshop

Jan 10, 2017

Up your teaching game in 2017 with the Workshop Workshop, an online course to help you develop, plan, and teach successful yoga and movement workshops. This workshop quickly pays for itself! And it’s $10 off through the end of February.

Are you eager to share your favorite topics with your students in workshop format, but unsure about where and how to begin? In this workbook course, Sage explains the who, what, where, why, when, and how of creating, locating a home for, marketing, teaching, and refining successful workshops—from one-hour sessions to weeklong intensives to retreats to ongoing series. Follow along and create a wonderful workshop as you go. You’ll finish with a fully developed offering to benefit both your students and your own career.

Sign up for this and all of my online offerings for professional development at

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