Summer Preview: Yoga Teacher Trainings

Summer in a college town like Chapel Hill, NC, is glorious. Parking is abundant, and beer trucks don’t block the downtown streets. The sun is up early; evenings are sultry and lovely; and summer sublets are easy to find with two-thirds of the population out of...

Holiday Teaching Schedule

As we hit the quiet time of year, the schedule at my yoga studios is condensed, with unique workshops to celebrate the holidays. Here are my special offerings, all at Carrboro Yoga Company. With the exception of New Year’s Eve, these are regular drop-in classes....

Quick Poll: 500-Hour Intensive Option

Yoga teachers: after loving the summer intensive version of our Carolina Yoga 200-hour yoga teacher training, we’re considering adding an intensive version of our advanced studies training (what the Yoga Alliance used to call the 500-hour level, and what is now...

Yoga Teacher Training at Carrboro Yoga

I’m in love with this photo from the penultimate weekend of our 2012–13 yoga teacher training at Carrboro Yoga. (Thanks to Elizabeth Matteson of  Inner Voice Wellness for taking it!) In this exercise, we map some of the bony landmarks in the body using dry-erase...

Watch: Sitting to Standing with Blocks

In my yoga for athletes class, we’ve been working on the transition to standing from a sitting position, without crossing the legs, pushing the hands to the floor, or using much momentum. It builds core strength and fosters our sense of where we are in space....