New! Core Strength for Real People: Standing

The first of the month means a new video is live at Core Strength for Real People! This one challenges your core, glutes, and lower legs from a standing position. No mat needed—you may not even need to change your clothes, which means you can do this as a midday...

New! Core Strength for Real People: Side Saddle

The first of the month means a new video is live at Core Strength for Real People! Here’s one of my favorite sequences—a unique challenge to your core and hips from a side-saddle start. Enjoy the preview above, and buy or rent the entire video at the Core...

New! Core Strength for Real People: Side Kicks & Bicycles

The first of the month means a new video is live at Core Strength for Real People! This one, a great complement to the several videos already available in the series, targets the glutes—the bane of many runners’ and cyclists’ existence. When these big,...

Everyday Yoga Excerpt: Post-Workout Restorative Hip-Opening Poses

My friends at Yoga Journal are offering Everyday Yoga excerpts to pique your interest in the book and jump-start your home practice. While the book is for not just athletes but everyone, the excerpts are keyed to pre- and postworkout routines, and you can string them...