Watch: Six Moves of the Spine, Supine, One Leg

Aug 1, 2022

One of my favorite sequences can work as a warmup, as an end-of-practice sequence, and as yoga to do in bed. Here’s a run-through; when you are practicing this on your own, take your time with each move, so that the whole sequence takes 15 minutes or more.

Want to learn more gentle sequences?

Join me in person at Carrboro Yoga September 24–25 for Designing and Teaching Gentle Yoga Sequences and Classes. We will discuss, workshop, and practice all sorts of gentle sequences while covering what belongs in a gentle yoga class—and what doesn’t. Read more and register here.

Want to learn more sequences in general?

My video sequence library has all sorts of ideas for you, presented like the video above. As a gift to you, I’ve made the whole warmup unit free as a sample, so you can add these routines as new arrows in your quiver.

Everyday Yoga is chock-full of sequences to follow along with, too. It’s spiral-bound, so you can lay it flat on your mat and use either the photos or the short verbal prompts to guide your practice. It’s available in German and Spanish, too.

And—burying the lede deep here, for those who care enough to read this far!—my next book will present a unified theory of sequencing, so that your yoga and movement classes can contain a balanced set of routines to help all of your students better. More on this in the months to come.

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