Have a Taste: Sequence Library

Have a Taste: Sequence Library

My all-new online sequence library is on sale through the end of the year. But you can have a taste anytime! Click through to the course, and scroll down to the outline, which has a robust sample unit on warmups. Warmups can be a meal in and of themselves—do one as a...
Have a Taste: Sequence Library

Now Available: All-New Sequence Library

Are you looking for ways to freshen up your yoga classes or your home practice? Or have you read Everyday Yoga or The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga and wished the pages could come to life? If so, I have the perfect resource for you: my all-new freshly recorded...
Coming in Two Months: The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook

Coming in Two Months: The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook

Two months from today, The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook will be officially published! Between now and then, I’m working on an updated website with lots of resources for teachers of every level of experience. These are keyed to the book, which is...