Category: Recovery
Newly Certified: Joy Zazzera
Meet Joy Zazzera, the most recently certified graduate of my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! This is an especially happy introduction for me to make, as Joy is a special teacher who is uniquely sympathetic to the needs of athletes and anyone who could stand to chill out.
Read: Granola Recipe for Athletes (and Everyone)
I really fell in love with granola at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and I still eat it every morning every day I’m there, and most days at home. Yoga Journal asked for my recipe, which appeared in their September issue. It’s online now—check it out. My love of granola started nine years…
New: Core Strength for Real People: Reset Your Hips and Spine
All the core exercises in the world are useless if you can’t balance your pelvis and spine. In these relaxing exercises, you’ll give the muscles that control movement of your hips and back a timeout. This brings them into harmony so your next core workout will be more productive! Enjoy the preview above, and buy or…
The Absence of Stress ≠ the Presence of Recovery
Much of my work is selling the concept of recovery. My weekly Yoga for Athletes classes have a little bit of movement, mostly focused on balance, but the majority of class is an opportunity for Type A athletes to practice being still, quiet, and relaxed. This can be hard, and it’s the most important thing…
Grand Opening Reception: Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat
I like to fancy myself the expert on not working out. I wrote a whole book on it, The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery. Attention to self-care is a critical part of the stress/rest balance. Without stress, you never grow; without rest, you never grow, either, because rest is where the adaptation to stress takes place. If you’re looking…
Reblog: Hunchback, Begone! Relief for Your Upper Back, Part 1
Here’s a piece I wrote for Yoga for Aging Athletes in reply to the Buzzfeed hunchback incident. Let’s talk about the hunch! It’s been on my mind both over time—I have a prominently rounded, or kyphotic upper back, and have since childhood (one doctor called it “front to back scoliosis,” not what you want to hear…
Yoga Journal LIVE! Single-Class Passes on Sale Tomorrow
Next weekend, I’ll be presenting at Yoga Journal LIVE! at the Hilton Midtown in New York City. Single-class passes go on sale Monday, April 4, right here. Using the code SAGE will save you 15 percent! Here are my offerings: Core Strength for Real People Friday, April 8, 5:30–7:00 p.m. Paying a little attention to…
Read: Just One Pose: Legs up the Wall
My post at Yoga for Aging Athletes today talks about legs up the wall—one of my personal favorite poses—and includes a few reasons why not to take the pose. Read it here.
Highest Recommendation: Yoga for Athletes and Active People Video with Steve
Steve Krojniewski—Krojo to his friends, and everyone is a friend to Steve—is a certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher and one of my senior assistants. Steve, who works with several University of Notre Dame teams, has produced a beautiful set of videos for athletes, active people, and everyone, available here and at his website, My True Balance…
Sage Advice: What Changed?
Like many yoga teachers, often I find students asking me questions after class about ways to relieve a pain that’s newly emerged. In general, I shy away from answering such questions—I’m not that kind of doctor, but if you need a literary text critically analyzed, let me know—and I encourage my teacher trainees to acknowledge…
Holiday Teaching Schedule
As we hit the quiet time of year, the schedule at my yoga studios is condensed, with unique workshops to celebrate the holidays. Here are my special offerings, all at Carrboro Yoga Company. With the exception of New Year’s Eve, these are regular drop-in classes. Monday, December 22, 6:00–7:15 p.m.: Yoga for Athletes Wednesday, December 24, 2:00–3:15…
Scheduled: Summer Yoga Mala
Join me and my fantastic colleagues Michelle Johnson and Hollie Sue Mann next month for a yoga mala complete with recovery practices! As the light of summer reaches its peak, Michelle Johnson, Hollie Sue Mann, and Sage Rountree will lead us in their version of a summer yoga mala on Saturday, June 22. This mala…