Meet Deanna Velazquez, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. Deanna has a deep well of expertise in fitness. She has worked as a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and of course a yoga teacher. She’s lived in a range of interesting places, too, from Alaska to Austin to, briefly, Raleigh, which meant I had the pleasure of having her in my Monday class in Carrboro.

Deanna has just settled in Eatontown, New Jersey, so if you’re in Monmouth County or along the Jersey shore you can check out her wonderful teaching. As you can deduce from her experience, she’s confident and warm and really understands the needs of an athlete in yoga class. Her sweet sense of humor shines through in her teaching. You can tell she understands that athletes can find surprising challenges in both the mental and the physical practice of yoga. As a bonus, she isn’t just good with grownups, she teaches yoga for toddlers—and that’s a whole different skill set from teaching tightly wound athletes!
Visit Deanna’s website:

If you’d like to join Deanna as an expert in teaching yoga to athletes, plan your trip to North Carolina for Teaching Yoga to Athletes, July 15–19, 2019, look ahead to Kripalu in January 2020, or start your work on the course at Sage Yoga Teacher Training.