New! Core Strength for Real People: Figure 4 and Curtsy

New! Core Strength for Real People: Figure 4 and Curtsy

There is a fresh video now available in my Core Strength for Real People series. This one: takes you through two crosses of the legs—wide and narrow builds strength and balance around your hips moves you from your back, through table pose, to standing Here’s a...
A New Approach to Balance Poses, Part 2

A New Approach to Balance Poses, Part 2

In my last post, I shared a video demo of how to get into some classic standing balance poses through shoulder and hip rotations. Here’s a follow-up that you could use to move into kneeling balance poses. Some of these shapes are pretty spicy! But you can...
New! Core Strength for Real People: Bare Minimum

New! Core Strength for Real People: Bare Minimum

There is a fresh video available today in my Core Strength for Real People series. This one delivers maximal satisfaction and time management when you tack it on at the end of a workout. I like to think of it as the bare minimum I can do and tell myself, “I...
A New Approach to Balance Poses

A New Approach to Balance Poses

I love balance poses. They can work for everyone, and with a little self-awareness, we can all find the right edge in these shapes, no matter our age or experience. Here’s a way I’ve been working into some classic standing balance poses, by traveling...
New! Core Strength for Real People: Get on Your Feet

New! Core Strength for Real People: Get on Your Feet

You may have heard of the 2012 study that says your ability to stand up from the floor can predict your mortality from any cause. All the more reason to practice! Playing with the transition from the floor to standing is also a good way to challenge your core strength...