Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Closing


Do you feel uninspired or intimidated when you face a room of students, despite your love for the yoga practice? Does your creativity freeze up when you need to modify on the fly? Have you ever taught a class that felt great, then forgotten what made it special? This is the online yoga teacher training for you!

This online course, designed for yoga teachers from any tradition, will give you concrete techniques to craft, teach, and reflect on sequences that will keep your students safe, healthy, and inspired. I’ve developed a simple, useful approach to keeping students engaged that will help you take your teaching to the next level.

Using a framework that makes modification and creative approaches easy and natural, we work together to design sequences for every portion of an asana class, from warmups to balance poses to the closing minutes. You’ll learn tools to structure balancing, fulfilling, inspiring sequences no matter what style you teach. Along the way, we address:

  • kriya and krama
  • transitions between poses
  • clear languaging
  • various approaches to modeling and assisting

In this innovative online course, you’ll learn Sage’s flipbook approach to teaching yoga classes for all levels. Regardless of the style of yoga you practice and teach, you’ll gain tools to create balanced, safe classes for students from beginners to experienced practitioners.

In the course, we cover:

  • Introduction: a review of yoga philosophy, the physiology of asana, and how we’ll apply the flipbook approach to sequencing
  • Opening: how to set a welcoming, inclusive tone for your students
  • Standing poses: developing well-rounded, appropriately challenging standing pose sequences for students of all levels
  • Mat work: creating sequences to support the core and release tension in the hips
  • Closing: bringing class to a satisfying close, helping your students with home practice

When you sign up for the course, you’ll receive instant, lifetime access to thirty hours of video and online resources:

  • Five lectures outlining Sage’s approach to sequencing
  • Five group discussions, with prompts for your own journaling and with more discussion online
  • Thirteen yoga practices (eight long-form, five short-form) to illustrate and integrate the principles we discuss
  • Full access to the Sequence Library, with over 60 videos demonstrating sequences for every portion of class

Suggested reading: Sage Rountree, Everyday Yoga and The Art of Yoga Sequencing

Work at your own pace and at a time that’s convenient for you, and use your lifetime access to review the materials at your leisure. You’ll never feel stumped or flustered again!

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See the entire course outline and take a free sample lesson here.
