Sage Rountree teaches athletes yoga

How to Start a Yoga Class (Hint: It Doesn’t Have to Be Sitting)

Most yoga classes begin the same way: “Take a comfortable seat.”

If you’re a seasoned yoga teacher, this makes perfect sense. You’ve spent years cultivating the ability to sit comfortably, with a balance of ease and steadiness. But for many of your students—especially beginners, those with tight hips, or anyone unfamiliar with the nuances of how to set up—starting yoga class sitting can be anything but comfortable.

And if the first moments of class feel uncomfortable, that sets the tone for the entire practice. And that’s not how you become (almost) everyone’s favorite yoga teacher.

So let’s reconsider this common cue and explore better ways to start a yoga class—ways that meet your students where they are and create a smoother, more inviting experience.

Why We Start Yoga Class Sitting—And Why That’s Not Always Ideal

Sitting cross-legged, kneeling, or even in a modified position requires mobility in the hips and stability in the core. But here’s the paradox:

The purpose of yoga postures is to help students develop those qualities—stability and mobility—so they can sit comfortably for meditation and breathwork.

So why start class in a position that some students struggle with?

Instead of beginning in a pose that highlights discomfort, we can guide students into a position where they can feel at ease from the start.

A Better Way to Start a Yoga Class

1. Start Where You’ll End: Begin in Savasana

One of the simplest shifts you can make is to start class in the place you’ll eventually wind up—Savasana.

Encourage students to lie down, giving them a moment to settle in without the tension of finding a “comfortable” seat.

Pro tip: If some students experience lower back discomfort, suggest bending the knees and resting them together. This small adjustment provides relief and makes it easier to fully relax.

By beginning class in this way, you set the tone for a more spacious, easeful practice—without the awkward shuffle of students adjusting and readjusting in seated postures.

2. Consider Standing Instead

If lying down doesn’t fit your class structure, starting in a standing position is another great option.


  • It’s more accessible for students with limited hip mobility.
  • It allows for a smoother transition into movement.
  • It immediately establishes grounding and stability.

Instead of cueing a seated position, invite students to stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and take a few breaths. This can be just as centering as sitting—if not more so for certain students.

3. If You Must Start Seated, Offer Clear Guidance

Some traditions and class styles naturally begin in a seated position, and that’s okay. But instead of assuming students know what “comfortable” means, take a moment to offer options:

  • Sit on a blanket or block for hip support.
  • Extend one or both legs if cross-legged isn’t accessible.
  • Encourage props to reduce strain on the knees or lower back.

The key is to provide active guidance, rather than just the vague cue to “sit comfortably.”

The Takeaway: Rethink the Way You Start Your Yoga Class

As the goal of asana is to prepare the body for sitting in meditation, why begin in a position that requires mobility and stability your students may not have yet?

By choosing a starting position that is truly comfortable—whether that’s lying down, standing, or a well-supported seat—you create a more welcoming, inclusive experience from the very first breath.

Want to see this in action? Watch my latest YouTube Short to learn why you might want to ditch the traditional seated start: Click here.

And if you’re ready to refine your sequencing, student experience, and teaching approach, explore more insights in my podcast, Yoga Teacher Confidential.