Later this week, I’ll head to one of my favorite places, Boulder, Colorado. It’s like Chapel Hill dehumidified, amplified, and slammed up against a beautiful mountain range. I’m looking forward to leading some of my book models and Twitter friends in my workshop on yoga for athletes at the Flatiron Athletic Club on Saturday, July 18, 2–5 p.m. If you live in Boulder, please consider joining us (and if you have friends there, send them my way). I think folks can be intimidated by the idea of a three-hour yoga workshop. No need. Only a small portion of the practice will take much energy, and even then, I’ll show modifications. You don’t need any previous yoga (or heck, even sport) experience. Just bring a yoga mat or a towel, and I’ll take care of the rest.
Colorado Workshops
Details and registration:
The next day, Sunday, July 19, I head to Colorado Springs for a stay at the Olympic Training Center. That afternoon, I’m leading a clinic for coaches and athletes on incorporating yoga as part of training. We’ll review the various styles of yoga, discuss athletes’ particular needs, learn how to periodize yoga so it complements training, then move to an easy practice so we can feel some of the ways yoga makes athletes better. USA Triathlon and USA Cycling coaches will receive continuing education credits for attending, but you needn’t be a coach to come and learn. We’re meeting in the OTC aquatics building, 1–5 p.m.
Details and registration: