Download: Form Cues

Racing_Wisely_coverI had a glorious run today, listening to the sound of my breath and my feet and the breeze in the trees. Occasionally I remembered to tune up my form. By the end of the run, I had an idea to capture that voice in my head, so I made you this present: a few form cues in short audio files. (While I am not a huge fan of using music myself, I understand it can help a lot on a run. I do not advocate using music on the bike!) You can add these 15- to 30-second form cue snippets to your playlist if you use music during a workout or race, peppering them between songs as a reminder to come back to intention, use your best form, and take full breaths. Download from here, or find them alongside all the other resources at

Mountain Pose Cues
Breath Awareness
Upper Body Form Check
Remember Your Intention