With New Year’s Eve on the horizon, we’re about to hear a lot about how to recover from a hangover. But that’s for amateurs! The pros know how to value the fundamentals to maximize performance and recover better every single day.

I want to help you recover like a pro so you can perform at your best—whether that’s in a sport, in your yoga practice, or showing up for the people and the things you love.

So I made you a free guide, keyed to the forthcoming second edition of my book The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery.

It details the three best things you can do for your day-to-day recovery—they are all free!—and the one you should probably not do, despite its popularity.

Paying attention to your recovery will pay enormous dividends in your 2024. You’ll do better in your workouts and competitions, sure, but more importantly, you’ll feel present and grounded so you can—not to put too fine a point on it—make the world a better place.

Ready to feel great about doing less? Pop your email in the form and I’ll send it right over!