Register Free: Elevate Summit

Balance is the key to injury prevention. Balance in space prevents acute injuries; balance within the body prevents overuse injuries; and balance between work and rest keeps you mentally fit and motivated. That’s why my Monday class, which livestreams at Yoga Vibes and at my Facebook page, is called Yoga for Athletic Balance.

If you’re committed to better balance in 2018, you’ll want to join the Elevate Summit, hosted by Heather Feather.

Register FREE now here.

I’ll be personally sharing my best pain-free body secrets as one of the speakers. It’s all about balance.

You’ll also hear from Justin Michael Williams, Karen Mozes, Kit Yoon, Katy Knowles, Alex Gil, Elyse Jarard, Susan Wesley, Nicole Andrews, and Ben Van Treese. They’re going to share how they have upped their fitness by staying pain and injury free, boosting their vibrant energy and strength, and staying inspired. Because it’s not just about going to the gym day in and day out to stay a certain number on the scale. You need to look at the different aspects of your fitness holistically if you want to take things to the next level. This summit gives you a well-rounded approach that will honor your body and mind so you get big results and better balance. It all starts in just a few days.

Grab your spot now: register here. It’s free! You’ll also get instant access to the Jumpstart Training by Heather Feather: “The 3 Keys to Kick Plantar Fasciitis to the Curb.”