Category: Recovery
Shoring up the Banks
Some lightly-used railroad tracks bisect the forest where I run. On rare occasion, my run is delayed by a passing train; it’s always a little thrilling to watch it rumble by as I catch my breath. Yesterday, two friends and I approached the tracks as a train was coming. We were intrigued to see what…
Walking Like an Unsore Person
A few years ago, I heard Michael Caine say that early in his acting career, he was to play a drunk man onstage. His director corrected his performance by pointing out that a drunk person is trying to appear sober, so his acting should be to play sober, not drunk. This tidbit comes to mind…
Active Yogi: A Twist on Twisting
This week’s post to Active Yogi at Yoga Journal describes a lovely belly-down twist. This is the linemen’s favorite!
Slideshow: Yoga for Stress Relief
The first day back at work after a holiday can be especially stressful. When you get home tonight, pull a pillow or two off the bed and enjoy this slideshow I made for Yoga for Stress Relief.
Meet The Runner’s Guide to Yoga
My latest book, The Runner’s Guide to Yoga, is hitting bookstores now. (Please scoot over to Amazon and order yourself a copy!) This book isn’t a replacement for The Athlete’s Guide to Yoga, but it does make a nice complement to that book. My intention for this book is to give runners specific tools from the yoga…
Practicing What I Preach
After running the forty-mile Mount Mitchell Challenge ten days ago, up and down the highest peak in the eastern United States, I’m in recovery mode. And it’s very tough! As author of The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery, I know just what I ought to be doing, but I’m finding it very tough to be patient…
Race Report: Mount Mitchell Challenge 2012
Later this year, I’ll turn 40. To celebrate, I ran 40 miles Saturday. But not just any 40 miles: 40 miles of rocky, icy trail up and back down Mount Mitchell, the highest peak in the eastern United States at 6,684 feet. It was a long day of exercise, and it was very hard. Here…
Thoughts on the RW Run Streak
As the author of a book (The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery) and a column (Serious Recovery) on recovery, I take rest seriously and hold my rest days as sacrosanct. But as a coach, I like to try out various approaches to see how they feel. With an open mind, then, I joined my colleagues and readers…
Impromptu Post-Long Run Recovery
Steps to recover from your long run: 1. Cool off your legs. 2. Consume a post-run snack rich in carbohydrates. 3. Get off your feet. For more: The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery
Sage Advice: Shin Splints
A reader asked me for advice to share with a yoga student on shin splints. Here, my yoga books are less germane and The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery is more useful. Shin splints usually result from an imbalance between work and rest—too much mileage, too soon, and sometimes on too hard a surface. Things to check…
Serious Recovery: Fresh or Frazzled?
My newest installment in the Serious Recovery series at Lava Magazine talks about ways to qualify the state of your recovery. Are you tired all the time? It could be the heat, or it could be your training. Listen to your body, your family, and your friends—they have valuable insight that your ego might not…
Sage Advice: Bridging the Gap
This question comes from Tracy. I found your training program for the half marathon on the Athleta website and I was interested in trying it because I liked that it combined my two favorite workouts, yoga and running. I have been running for a little over two years now and after having used your program,…