Preview: Yoga for Athletes Five-Day Teachers’ Intensive


Join me in Carrboro (central North Carolina) June 27–July 1, as we explore the philosophy, physiology, psychology, and pedagogy of yoga for athletes. This is my signature offering, helping movement teachers, coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists, and eager students learn how to bring better balance to an athletic body through yoga.

My favorite part of teaching this five-day intensive, which I also offer online and will lead at the Kripalu Center for Yoga in Health in western Massachusetts January 22–27, 2017, and at the 1440 Multiversity soon to open in Santa Cruz, California, June 18–23, 2017, is connecting with so many colleagues in one place. The group work and discussions we have benefit everyone—it’s like spending a week chatting with friends in the teachers’ lounge. The early bird discount runs through June 1. I hope to see you there!
