Recovery Video Series: Part 1

In March, I spent two lovely days in sunny San Diego (stay classy!) filming a video series on athletic recovery and hanging out with two fantastic and inspiring role models: the preternaturally prolific fitness writer Matt Fitzgerald and the lovely, fiery, and fun yoga teacher/attorney Ingrid Yang. (You can find Matt’s books here and Ingrid’s classes at Prana Yoga in La Jolla and online at YogaVibes.)

Here’s the first of the series. I could have gone with brighter lipstick and glitzier earrings, but I think it’s beautifully produced. What do you think?

If you’re interested in learning more about recovery and you’ll be at USA Triathlon’s national championships in Alabama next month, please join me for my two-hour presentation on Friday morning, September 24. If you can’t make that, download my hour-long webinar on the subject and read my column at Lava Magazine.